On Saturday we saw the bricking was 99.9% complete with just a few window sills to go and under a couple of the doors. Hopefully the rain stayed away long enough on Monday for them to finish it off.
With the bricks complete it means we are officially at lock up, so it was no surprise to find the lockup invoice in the letter box on Monday ( Oh dam do I really have to pay this one it kind of really BIG ).
The front projection has had the mortar done flush as this will be rendered.
Silly temporary fencing and rubbish pile getting in the way a good photo! We should have a site clean this week so we stacked a pile of bricks out the back that we wanted to keep.... or did we, I don't even know what I'm going to do with the bricks but our SS said if we wanted to keep any this was the weekend to move them so after a lot of procrastinating decided to move about a pallet of them.
Back of the house.
Alfresco pillars, for some reason I keep on visualizing walking into one of these babies and knocking myself out cold..... must remember not to have 2 many drinkies the first night we move in ;)
Blind side of the house.
Peeping inside through the windows we can see the internal doors have arrived.
And that the cornice's have been done and at the bottom of the picture you can just see the architraves awaiting installation.
Hopefully we will be able to get in this weekend to see what wonderful work the fixing carpenter has got up to this week.
Cheers for now
Its been awhile.
14 years ago