Sunday, July 12, 2009

Flooring Photo Fest!

PCI is this week and the final touches on the house are being applied.
The remaining tap fittings have being installed.

WIR...... Surly the other half could let me have more than the 1/2 a meter of closet space I'm allowed in the rental with all this space.............. No I've just being informed that she needs all of it and I can have 1/4 of a meter.


The Lounge

Bedroom 2.

Bedroom 3 soon to be home of the Master of the house.

Bedroom 4 which will be my little den when working from home.

Its a Hallway!

OK now we get to the bit that really excited me when I saw the house this week and that was the fact that our Trueloc Flooring had being laid( well 99.9% anyway). We choose spotted gum and I think its looks $h!t Hot!!!

Entry with the 0.1% that needs to be finished.

Looking at the living room.


From Living Room to the kitchen.

Rumpus to front door.

And a better picture of the splash back with the correct pot draws.
PCI is this Thursday..................... I don't think there will be much to pick on.... just a few paint touch ups and maybe just some other minor things.... all I can say is that the work being done on our house has being of a very high quality.
I am glad I have seen the house with the floor now before PCI so I wont just walk around with my gob open drooling like I did when I took these photos so I can concentrate and find all those little faults.
Wish me Luck

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